Transvestism is the largest group because it encompasses the advanced fetishist, the transvestite, the femmepersonator, and the trans-sexualist. A basic fetishist and the trans-sexualist (after a degree) aren't included because a basic fetishist is one who doesn't wear the article and the trans-sexual, after the operation, is dressing according to his new sex-female. Transvestism and femmepersonation are very close to each other and are sometimes confused because femmepersonation is much more advanced than transvestism. They are classed as two separate classes because the femmepersonator understands his femmeself and treats her as an individual where the majority of transvestites don't. To save some hot tempers I will say here that the dividing line is undefined and only the person concerned knows whether he or she is a femmepersonator or not. There is no way to set a line since humans vary so greatly. The average transvestite is one who dresses either for a fetish or for the feeling of the clothes.

In talking about the TV in the middle - he dresses up as completely as he desires but not to the degree of the FP. He usually is content to put on the clothes but doesn't pay too much attention to details since he very rarely goes out (if he did he would have to check out the details). I'm not belittling this class because we all have to to go through it to progress to femmepersonation. This is the most advanced form of TV and is in a class by itself. This is the type who knows, recognizes, and understands that he has a feminine side that is almost a complete personality by itself. By this stage the FP has a femmename and acts as feminine as possible without exaggeration. When in dress he pays attention to minute details and strives for perfection in everything he does that is feminine. He may or may not go out but he still acts every bit a lady as much as possible. When he is normally dressed he is normally masculine but when he dresses up he allows his femmeself to take over and sometimes it is almost as if there were two physical bodies in one (psychologically there are). To get to this stage requires a lot of dressing time and a tremendous amount of psychological development. I feel safe in